Cardinal Eijk on Mission, Secularization and the World Synod

"Anyone who creates confusion alienates people from the Church... I would like to say to the bishops of other countries: do not make this mistake, do not make our mistake. In parishes where the faith is well proclaimed & the liturgy is celebrated with dignity, churches are full." -Cardinal Willem Jacobus Eijk I wonder who he is talking about? In this interview with Cardinal Eijk (papabille??) notes that despite a 2022 survey of the Dutch which showed that, for the first time, more than 50 percent of the population identified themselves as atheists or agnostics, he sees green shoots and remains hopeful. The Netherlands was once considered the avant-garde of the Catholic Church, but that direction has only brought apostasy and decline. Cardinal Ejik makes a clear diagnosis: this is the dictatorship of relativism. He explains: "Secularisation started with the growth of prosperity. It enabled people to live individually, detached from the community. Individuals put the...