Pope-tastic Visit to Philippines!

Well, Pope Francis is a lot of things, boring isn't one of them! This trip to Asia has been amazing and often very moving! I found this moment particularly touched me over the weekend when a 12-year-old girl asked Pope Francis a tearful question about why God allows suffering: This young lady, Palomar, spoke after Jun Chura — a 14-year-old rescued from the streets by the same foundation — described life on the streets as a struggle to find enough to eat, to fight the temptation of drug use and glue sniffing, and to avoid adults looking for the young to exploit and abuse. Covering her face with her hand as she wept in front of the microphone, Palomar asked the Pope: “Why did God let this happen to us?” The Holy Father cast aside his prepared text and said: “Certain realities in life can only be seen through eyes cleansed by tears,” I am so struck by the simple profundity of that comment and I am tearing up just writing this! In an incredibly compassiona...