Catholics are waking up & walking away:

Yesterday's Vortex was particularly excellent I thought, one of those episodes which speak directly to so much that seems so obvious about being an active Catholic today. People are utterly dismayed with the lack of Catholic in the Catholic Church. This comment probably sums it all up: Do you want to be Catholic with Max? If so, good luck with that. It's not an easy thing to do in the Catholic Church today. In fact, it can get you into quite a bit of trouble! I have spent the last year or so trying to work in service to the Church, but despite a strikingly successful track record in business and management and a degree in Catholic theology (or perhaps BECAUSE of these things) I have found myself rejected at every stage (even being appointed to a senior position in Westminster Cathedral, only to be told Cardinal Nichols wanted the appointment withdrawn a day or so before I was to start). A number of clergy have forwarded and backed me for numerous positions within th...