Pope Francis: “about McCarrick I knew nothing, obviously, nothing, nothing.”

American Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo, a priest of Newark, N.J., who was ordained by McCarrick in 1994, served as his personal secretary from September 1994 to June 1995, and later acted as a go-between and personal aide during McCarrick’s multiple visits to Rome over a 19-year period has published c orrespondence which confirms that restrictions on laicised Cardinal & political manipulator Theodore McCarrick were imposed by the Vatican in 2008 as previously revealed by Archbishop Vigano . In the released correspondence, McCarrick also claims that Cardinal Donald Wuerl, then the Archbishop of Washington, was aware of them and involved in conversations about their implementation. Pope Francis said that “about McCarrick I knew nothing, obviously, nothing, nothing.” https://t.co/hpMZcduptH — Ines San Martin (@inesanma) May 28, 2019 McCarrick actually asserts that the Vatican wanted to “avoid publicity” and thus kept the restrictions confidential. The correspondence furthe...