
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Hollerich

Heretical Cardinal Promoted to Council of Nine

Last year Cardinal Jean Claude Hollerich, President of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union (COMECE) and General Rapporteur of the Synod of Bishops, spoke on the subject of homosexuality in an interview with the German news agency KNA . The cardinal said: "I believe that the sociological-scientific basis of this teaching is no longer correct”. He went on: "the way the Pope has expressed himself in the past [on homosexuality] can lead to a change in doctrine. [ … ] I think it is time for a fundamental revision of doctrine”. In his "Demos" memo , Cardinal Pell stated: "Cardinal Hollerich rejects the Christian teaching on sexuality. The Papacy is silent. This is doubly significant because the Cardinal is explicitly heretical; he does not use code or hints. If the Cardinal were to continue without Roman correction, this would represent another deeper breakdown of discipline, with few (any?) precedents in history. The Congregatio...

THE NUB - Standing With The Word of God

This really follows on beautifully from yesterday's post  which attempts to consider the way in which certain high profile figures in the contemporary Christian milieu, and especially, presently, within the Catholic Church (I mean cardinals, the pope, not just rebel voices), are trying to break away from what we have always understood Sacred Scripture to teach. In an attempt to engage with the argument, I shared Dr Ian Paul's filleting of Brueggemann's thesis. As an evangelical Christian, I thought Ian Paul's exegesis would be an interesting foil for Fr James Martin's use of Brueggemann. Of course the whole point of being a Catholic and not a Protestant is that we have the Pope as the centre of authority . Except we don't right now. Pope Francis is a vacuum who fails to speak clearly on any number of settled issues. And then he positively promotes dissenters like Hollerich and Martin . We have seen in the Anglican communion that any attempt to maintain two int...