
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Vincent Nichols

Priest who sought to sexualise children:

  Today, Birmingham Archdiocese have published an independent review undertaken by Barnardo’s on behalf of the Archdiocese in relation to the management of concerns about Joseph Quigley, a priest in the Archdiocese. As stated in the report, Quigley was convicted at Warwick Crown Court of four counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, two counts of sexual assault, one count of child cruelty and two counts of false imprisonment. He was sentenced, in January 2021, to 11 years and 6 months for his offences and will be required to sign the sexual offenders register on his release.  This was 12 years after the Archdiocese discovered he was an abuser, and did nothing. What it doesn't say is that Quigley is the author of the Birmingham Archdiocese's first foray into sex education, All That I Am , a programme which was highlighted as deeply worrying by numerous blogs after its release. In the programme, published in 2001, Quigley (diagnosed as "a sexual sadist & voye...

Vincent Cardinal Nichols Pressurised Bishops into Abuse Silence to Protect Pope Francis

At the weekend, the Catholic Herald reported that 'LGBT Masses' Return to Britain. The story reports that Masses for the LGBT community have returned to Britain, almost seven years after Archbishop Vincent Nichols ended them in Westminster The article goes on: there has clearly been a shift since 2012, when Archbishop Nichols (who has since been made a cardinal) said that, while it was important to give pastoral care to “people with same-sex attraction”, the Mass was a “universal” event and so it should not be restricted to a particular group. He also implied that Catholic sexual teaching was at odds with the beliefs of some LGBT activists. This is not accurate however, as Cardinal Nichols had no intention of stopping the Masses, he simply moved the venue . You can read my full report on the consistent furthering of the LGBT agenda by the Cardinal from 2015  here . The Herald picked up this story from Lifesite 's report which I commented on and linked to here ....

UK Bishops Openly Promote LGBT Juggernaut

Lifesite have this really sad article  about the number of Catholic Dioceses with so-called "LGBT Masses". Salford, Clifton, Nottingham, Northampton, Middlesborough & Westminster dioceses are all mentioned along with sacrilegious religious artefacts daubed in the all pervading, garish LGBT rainbow and evidence of the explicit support of the bishops of all these dioceses. Of course, there is the same activity in my own diocese of Brentwood as well, where at least one priest is actively pushing the direct opposite of Church teaching and we have had a "gay Mass" in the Cathedral , although the Lifesite article doesn't mention this. To be honest I am not surprised at the news, especially as the leader of the Catholic Church in England & Wales, Vincent Cardinal Nichols, has so openly advocated for homosexuality over many years . He even openly supported a gay group banned by Cardinal Hume for opposing Catholic teaching. Of course, the justificat...

Cardinal Nichols at the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has published it's report into Birmingham Archdiocese. This report is extremely important because it involves Cardinal Nichols. We've published our report on child sexual abuse (CSA) within the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Part of the #CatholicInvestigation , it investigates the response of the Archdiocese of Birmingham to CSA by examining 4 case studies. 1/4 #BirminghamReport — InquiryCSA (@InquiryCSA) June 20, 2019 Since the mid 1930s, there have been over 130 allegations of child sexual abuse made against no fewer than 78 individuals associated with the Archdiocese - many of them priests and deacons. 2/4 #BirminghamReport #InquiryCSA — InquiryCSA (@InquiryCSA) June 20, 2019 It finds that the response of the then Archbishop of Birmingham, Vincent Nichols - now a Cardinal, was “misplaced and missed the point”, by choosing to defe...

Zanchetta, the gay porn bishop, on "retreat" with Pope

I can't really believe this is even a real thing but perhaps someone can explain how Pope Francis being on retreat with Bishop Zanchetta, his friend, ally & now under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct & having gay porn images on his phone is not a scandal &/or extremely toxic for the Pontiff & the faith?   The Catholic Herald has learned that a bishop currently under investigation for sexual misconduct and financial mismanagement, including claims he had naked selfies and gay pornography on his phone, is on retreat with Pope Francis and other senior members of the Roman Curia. The bishop is Gustavo Zanchetta, emeritus of Orán, Argentina, and currently Assessor to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA) who I first reported on here . Zanchetta was an associate of Francis before he was elected Pope in 2013: he was executive undersecretary of the Argentine episcopal conference which was headed by none other than Jorge Bergo...

Cardinal Nichols back from Rome with snake oil to sell...

Cardinal Nichols as he appears on Bruvver Eccles luvvley blog Cardinal Nichols has posted a video giving his thoughts on the Sex Abuse Summit at the Vatican, from which he has just returned. Really you don't need to watch it as you can very likely guess 85% of the contents, but here it is if you are interested in watching: Predictable, uninspiring, unconvincing—yes, all of those things. But honestly I think this performance is deplorable and here is why. It is the same thing we have heard ad nauseam with absolutely nothing new. And it is perhaps most interesting for what is not mentioned: God, sin, virtue, grace, homosexuality, the Commandments, none of these play a part in any of the Cardinal's "reflections". He sounds like a third rate bureaucrat (and nothing at all like a Cardinal). So what does he have to say? Well, everything is amazing in Rome apparently. He constantly repeats, almost mantra-like "child abuse, child abuse, child abuse",...

“Thou shalt not bear false witness” – English Cardinal Berates Social Media Users

The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Gerard Cardinal Nichols took to Twitter recently to berate Catholics who use the internet for the “bitterness, tittle-tattle, hostility and false witness that floods the digital world.” How easily the internet reduces us to digital tribes, engaged in a kind of bitter conflict which somehow seems acceptable because it is ‘out there’ somewhere. These things are a true disfigurement of the face of Jesus and should have no place in our lives. — Cardinal Nichols (@CardinalNichols) October 26, 2018 Linking to a homily the Cardinal delivered at the Venerable English College in Rome on the 21 st October 2018, he suggested “those who contribute” include “priests and deacons.” “How easily the internet reduces us to digital tribes, engaged in a kind of bitter conflict which somehow seems acceptable because it is ‘out there’ somewhere. Even if we do not contribute, and sometimes we are worse than others, far too easily we amuse ourselve...

Cardinal Nichols Well Hidden Whispers on Transgenderism

The Daily Mail reports that, in a speech to London school leaders last month, Cardinal Vincent Nichols told an audience of head teachers that pupils may question their identity, but schools could not ignore the sex they were born into. According to the Mail he said children were not simply individuals who could do as they liked, but were part of a wider community that had ‘firm points of reference’. In his speech Cardinal Nichols – Chair of the Bishop's conference for England and Wales – appealed to a ‘common sense of humanity’ to counter a growing individualism in relationships, family life and sexuality. He said:  ‘At a time of great confusion about the rules of sexual behaviour, about exploitation and abuse in every part of society, some firm points of reference already built into our humanity at its best are of vital importance. 'In an age of fluidity, even in gender identity, and at a time when the response to “difference” is to become closed in a self...

Cardinal Nichols Congratulates Megan & Harry

I was a little bit shocked to see Cardinal Nichols publicly congratulate Prince Harry and his fiancé on their engagement yesterday given that she is a divorcée: I offer my congratulations to Harry and Meghan on the news of their engagement. We pray for their happiness as they prepare to make their life-long commitment to marriage. — Cardinal Nichols (@CardinalNichols) November 27, 2017 What do you think? Is this appropriate? One may argue that in making such a public statement, Cardinal Nichols is acting in his civic capacity only and thus this is perfectly civilised and reasonable. But what message does it send to his Catholic followers? Certainly I was not at all surprised to see this comment aimed at the Cardinal: As a divorcee denied the sacraments I find your comments inappropriate at best and lacking in any compassion for those you judge differently — Natalie Stafford (@tigernat7) November 27, 2017 It makes the excellent point of identifying very clear d...

Cardinal Nichols recommends banned pro-gay group to Westminster priests!

The pro-homosexual organisation Quest was banned from the official Roman Catholic Directory for England and Wales by Cardinal Basil Hume, then-Archbishop of Westminster, because of the organisation's public dissent from Church teaching that called homosexual acts “intrinsically disordered.” The organisation had been listed in the directory as an approved Catholic organisation from 1992. In a letter explaining his decision to remove Quest from the directory, Cardinal Hume wrote at that time that if an organisation is listed, the “assumption must be that it accepts the church’s teaching set out in a manner that is in no way ambiguous.” “It is one thing for the Church officially to recognise a support group for Catholic homosexual men and women, struggling, as we all do, to live up to the demands of our shared Christian vocation,” he said, adding that it was clear that an explicit part of Quest’s agenda was “to encourage and recognise loving same-sex partnerships,” something...

Sorry Cardinal Nichols

Few things in our Church have astounded me more than the news yesterday that Cardinal Nichols has written to the Pope, on behalf of Catholics of England and Wales, thanking him, of all things, for "his steadfast defence of Church teaching". THE WHOLE WORLD is talking about the FACT that the Pope is ANYTHING but clear and steadfast, let alone defending Church teaching, but Cardinal Nichols chooses these words??? To be honest, it reminded me of a politician trying to pretend that the government haven't just done something that they have clearly just done.  The problem with this sort of attempt at wool-pulling-over-eyes is that it can only serve to destroy his credibility with anyone who still thinks they can trust him. Is there anyone -ANYONE who would agree with the statement that Cardinal Nichols makes in this letter? It is utterly insulting to think that he would write this given the present situation. I have tweeted as much to...