Young? Catholic? Faithful? Get Out!

Luther as the Devil’s Bagpipes by Eduard Schoen, circa 1535. So in the modern Catholic Church under Pope Francis, we see young Catholics kicked out of a Catholic Cathedral for praying the Rosary, while Protestant heretics are lauded and welcomed. The Youtube video below shows Police removing a group of young Catholics from the cathedral in Brussels after they recited the rosary out loud, disrupting a service celebrating the Reformation. The Catholic Cathedral of St Michael and St Gudula hosted the service with the United Protestant Church in Belgium, the country’s largest Protestant denomination. UPCB president Steven Fuit, who preached at the service, said the event sent a “strong ecumenical signal” (yes it does, the wrong one!). However, several young Catholics disrupted the ceremony by reciting the rosary at the back of the Cathedral, preventing the pastor from beginning his sermon. The video shows police eventually breaking up the group and escorting them outside. ...