What Does the Pope Mean By "Rigid"?
In interview this evening on Italian television, Pope Francis: “The biggest crisis facing the Church today is a worldly spirituality, which causes clericalism and a rigidity, an ideological rigidity which is opposed to the Gospel” pic.twitter.com/R0kmSxtOob — Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat) February 6, 2022 If there were a single word to sum up the papacy of Jorge Bergoglio for me it would be this one word: "Rigid". He doesn't seem to be able to leave it out of a single address and, as the quote above seems to suggest, he appears to see this as "the biggest crisis facing the Church today". What do you say to that apart from "Mental!" - It's just mental! Mental to engage in internal naval gazing and exacerbate divisions within the Church when we have so many challenges to the Gospel from the secular culture. Relativism & the cult of self-idolatry and self-worship is pushing in on Christianity from every angle and all the Catholic Church seems to do...