
Showing posts with the label Where Peter Is

The Catholic Tribalism of Pope Francis

It has been an extraordinary week or so in the Catholic World where we have seen some truly revealing reactions from the main social media voices who support Pope Francis no matter what. This firestorm was prompted, in the first instance, by Bishop Joseph Strickland's Pastoral Letter  issued on 23 August, the full text of which is available to read here . The next day, Dr. Scott Hahn innocuously thanks Bishop Strickland for his faithfulness. Mike Lewis, the editor of Where Peter Is , took this as a sign of schism and immediately started attacking Hahn in the most vociferous way. This went on and on and on - as it invariably does with Mike: It seemed he got considerable push back from the public. Little wonder really, Scott Hahn is a lovely guy, he is a genius and he is the author of many, many books and interviews all of which do nothing other than lead people to fullness of truth found in the Catholic Church. The tribalism between Catholics on social media continues apace, this is...

Cardinal Müller and the Destruction of the Church

On Thursday, October 6, Gerhard Cardinal Müller discussed the ongoing Synod on Synodality and other topics in a roughly 30-minute interview on EWTN’s The World Over with Raymond Arroyo.  The World Over and especially the Papal Posse have provided a truly invaluable source of reporting throughout the Franciscan Pontificate. The reporting there has proven to be a real reality check for papal tailgaters & sycophants that their cynical narrative is failing to touch anyone but those who hate the Church and want to destroy her. I have always found it comforting to know that I was not the only one who felt dismayed at the direction Pope Francis was taking on any number of issues. Just take the Pontifical Academy for Life, for example. Set up in 1994 to defend and promote the Church's teaching on life, on 18th November 2016, Pope Francis dismissed virtually everyone involved and appointed a new staff. Since then we have seen the Academy hijacked and transformed from a faithful evagel...

A Time of Crisis

Everywhere, Catholics who love the faith & are usually dedicated to evangelising efforts are turning their attention to the growing scandals in the Church. It seems like everyone is posting advice on how to deal with scandal and crisis. People talking about leaving the Catholic Church for Orthodoxy or the SSPX or why you shouldn't. You know it's bad when people like Matt Fradd, who usually stay out of Church polemics, are regularly commenting on the mess we are in: Over the weekend I got into a discussion about the Pachamamma scandal at the Vatican. These things rarely go well on Twitter which is not the best medium for nuanced debate. With that in mind, I always try to avoid taking a position & try & listen to alternative explanations. Unfortunately, with Mike Lewis of Where Peter Is , this is very difficult, firstly because he seems confused himself and is quite happy to proffer different explanations depending on the context: Thank you for the background. ...