What has happened to 'God's Marines'?

The Jesuit order: the Society of Jesus are a proud Counter-Reformation Order known colloquially as "God's Marines", in reference to their founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola's military background as well as members' willingness to accept orders anywhere in the world and live in extreme conditions. St. Ignatius founded the society after being wounded in battle and experiencing a religious conversion. He composed the Spiritual Exercises to help others follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. In 1534, Ignatius and six other young men, including St. Francis Xavier and Bl. Pierre Favre, gathered and professed vows of poverty, chastity, and later obedience, including a special vow of obedience to the Pope . Rule 13 of Ignatius' Rules for Thinking with the Church said: "That we may be altogether of the same mind and in conformity[...], if [the Church] shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to ...