
Showing posts with the label Buffer Zones

Catholic Unscripted Episode 6: The Church as Salt & Light

In the latest episode of Catholic Unscripted we look at the political turmoil which seems to be engulfing both the secular world and the Church at the moment. As a series of political machinations seem to be stealing democratic process away from the hands of the electorate in the UK, Pope Francis is appealing to Catholics and non-Catholics for feed back on what the Church should do. Is this a forced democracy? The engagement levels would seem to suggest that most Catholics aren't interested. Is the pope trying to change the way the Church works? Rather than being a deposit for Divine Revelation of truth, is the pope trying to change the Church into an organisation which moves in the direction dictated by secular culture? Our approach should always be to come to the revelation of God with humility, recognising our own short comings and prepared to change our lives. But now it seems the narrative is constantly that the Church needs to change to fit in with radical changes in society...

Abortion in the UK: David Vs Goliath

Clare McCullough of The Good Counsel Network (GCN) appeared before the UK House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee last Tuesday to talk about alleged harassment by right-to-life groups outside abortion facilities, as I reported on in October here . Here, she speaks excellently in describing the kind and peaceful nature of the vigils, and against the Select Committee’s utterly biased pro-abortion Chairperson Yvette Cooper MP, she shows the relevance of the voices of those women who have been helped by GCN. Clare McCullough of @GoodCounselNet contributed superbly to @CommonsHomeAffs yesterday, refuting #harassment allegations & speaking for women given real #choice : #BufferZones #PSPOs #BackOff #FreeSpeech #NoBufferZones #SayNo2BufferZones — Right To Life (@RightToLifeUK) December 13, 2017 A friend of mine, Clare, who has blogged brilliantly before on this issue here and here , wrote this on Facebook ab...

BBC Bias on Abortion

Supporters of pro-life groups like SPUC stand up for unborn children in many ways. One of the great successes in recent years has been the witness given by pro-life groups across the country through peaceful vigil outside abortion clinics. Last night the BBC attacked ‪#‎prolife‬ pavement-counsellors. Watch this SPUC video for the true side of the story and then sign the petition against buffer-zones here .