Cardinal Schönborn brings "a new fog"
Further to the recent comments of Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna in Ireland, certain commentators have been spinning like crazy to make him look like some sort of orthodox heavyweight. Notably, old Catholic Voices collaborators Austen Ivereigh and Greg Daly are slagging off everyone from EWTN to The Spectator and The Catholic Herald and insisting "there's nothing to see here", utterly blind to their own hubris. They both seem to spend quite a lot of time these days attacking old friends and opposing anyone who has any questions about Pope Francis & his direction, even though Austen has been directly wrong footed by the Pope recently himself! It is certainly the case, like numerous other modern churchmen, Schönborn has written some good stuff and his intellect is not in question. I remember a while back Archbishop Rino Fisichella was due to speak at a conference I attended and indeed, the text of his address was very good and Catholic, but he has ...