
Showing posts with the label Bratislava. Jesuits

Pope uses Bratislava Jesuit Meeting to attack enemies

Antonio Spadaro , SJ, editor in Chief of La Civiltà Cattolica a periodical published by the Jesuits in Rome, Italy has posted an article about the Pope's meeting at the Nunciature in Bratislava on Sunday 12th September 2021 with 53 Slovak Jesuits. The article itself contains a number of references to Spadaro in what struck me as quite an unusual (and potentially self-aggrandising way). The inclusion of these comments demonstrates that the Pope is completely aware that his comments will be fully reported. This does not appear to temper what he says in any way however and as usual, the Pope engages in personal criticism and uses the meeting as an opportunity to attack his enemies in quite extraordinary ways. One of those present says: “I am two years younger than you in 1968 I entered the Society of Jesus as a refugee. I was a member of the Swiss Province for 48 years, and have now been here for 5 years. I have lived in very different Churches. Today I see that many people want to ...