Year of Faith Lectures

I have been asked to help publicise the following (which I have to say looks excellent!): Celebrating the 20 th Anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, I am delighted to present some information regarding the ‘School of Faith’ series of study seminars. Delivered in collaboration with Holy Ghost Parish, Balham and the Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, the course runs for 12 weeks beginning on Wednesday 09 January 2013 until 23 March 2013 and is held every Wednesday evening from 7:30pm – 9:30pm . The Catechism is offered to all who wish to understand better the inexhaustible riches of salvation. It is a treasury of wisdom and spirituality, as well as providing the reliable reference point for understanding and appreciating the Catholic faith. ~ School of Faith ~ A Twelve week series of public study seminars in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Beginning in January 2013, to celebrate the 20 th Anniversary of ...