
Showing posts with the label Kerry Diocese

Irish Bishops abandoning their calling

Not only did Bishop Ray Browne of Kerry betray his office when he misrepresented Christian teaching & cancelled faithful Kerry priest Fr Sean Sheehy, but, in this interview with John-Henry Westen, Fr Sheehy reveals how Irish Bishops across the country are abandoning their calling - "Individual bishops who have been entrusted with the care of a particular church-under the authority of the supreme pontiff-feed their sheep in the name of the Lord as their own, ordinary, and immediate pastors, performing for them the office of teaching, sanctifying, and governing." - Christus Dominus #11 Instead of preaching the Gospel and leading people to repentence, they take their orders from the LGBTQ lobby and are silencing and canceling brave faithful priests worldwide. Fr. Sean Sheehy's simple exposition of Catholic truth was too much for his bishop, and Fr. Sheehy was quickly removed.   Join John-Henry Westen in this special report as he discusses with Fr. Sheehy what has unfold...

Grech Listening, Sort of...Irish Bishop Condemns Priest for Preaching Catechism

There are still those out there saying that the Synod is a good thing and that the Church in Ireland still has faith. Here are a couple of very worrying incidents that would challenge even the most ardent protagonists of such positive positions. Firstly, we have the seasoned Vatican journalist Diane Montagna asking (I still can't believe he is a cardinal) Grech about the pro-gay, anti-Catholic images promoted by the secretariat on Facebook. It was reported that these artistic impressions - or whatever they were - were falsifications of actual events, where the people speaking had been changed to represent gay or progressive ideas (see this post for full details on that). Cardinal Grech’s response: — Diane Montagna (@dianemontagna) November 1, 2022 Grech is quite bellicose, he seems angered by the question, which  one would expect if one has any knowledge of the man, I was hearing reports that he was a bully and a cover up artist years before his eleva...