Corona Virus Lock Down - A Bishop's Response

As Northern Italy goes into a state of lock-down over Corona Virus Catholics are left with something of a dilemma. The local "ordinanze" (decrees) include the prohibition of "religious" gatherings, and getting ahead of the public authorities, several dioceses in the region have suspended religious activities. Obviously this is a sensible & reasonable precaution against further spreading the virus, but one bishop has given an exemplary response as Rorate Caeli reports . The Bishop of Pavia, in Lombardy, Corrado Sanguineti, shows that is possible. His pastoral letter on the matter is a lesson in common sense, and in particular I would draw your attention to this paragraph: While unfortunately having to suspend the celebration of the Holy Masses until further notice, I order that Churches remain open, for the personal prayer of the faithful, and I ask that, even on weekdays, priests celebrate daily Mass, behind closed doors, praying in the name of the whole...