“Betrayal of clerics” endangers whole human community

This is the stark warning given by Mgr Michel Schooyans. Mgr Schooyans is a leading Vatican scholar, a professor at Louvain and an acclaimed academic and writer. He has a doctorate in philosophy and theology and is a priest of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels . At an address given recently at the Catholic University he has presented a particularly clear and lucid exposition of Catholic teaching regarding human sexuality which demonstrates some of the serious consequences for society sexual immorality results in. You may well note much of what he speaks about is recognisable in our society today, societies which are asking themselves serious questions about how best to deal with the issues that are clear consequences of the separation of the procreative and unitive ends of the sexual act, which is intrinsic to the use of contraception. Mgr Schooyans notes that once the unity between the two ends is broken, both ends are pursued in separation from the other, with disastr...