
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Mario Grech

What a "Toxic Nightmare" Looks Like

  Yesterday (30th Jan 2023) Cardinals Grech & Hollerich — Secretary General & General Relator of the Synod on Synodality — sent a letter to all bishops on the role of bishops in the synodal process. To state the blindingly obvious, this would seem to be a bit late on in the process to be explaining to bishops what exactly it is they are supposed to have been doing for the last few years, but perhaps that is because no one has much of a clue. Even their own website is baffling . The whole thing seems to be word salad. In their letter, Grech and Hollerich also say that they wish to clarify any misunderstanding over what the Synod is truly about. Sadly, if that truly was their intention, this letter fails miserably. What the letter does do is desperately try to tie synodality to Vatican II ( a reminder that synodality is a complete novelty and appears nowhere in Vatican II's documents) and also tries to use Lumen Gentium 12 to force a deeply spurious  argumentum ad popul...

Grech Listening, Sort of...Irish Bishop Condemns Priest for Preaching Catechism

There are still those out there saying that the Synod is a good thing and that the Church in Ireland still has faith. Here are a couple of very worrying incidents that would challenge even the most ardent protagonists of such positive positions. Firstly, we have the seasoned Vatican journalist Diane Montagna asking (I still can't believe he is a cardinal) Grech about the pro-gay, anti-Catholic images promoted by the secretariat on Facebook. It was reported that these artistic impressions - or whatever they were - were falsifications of actual events, where the people speaking had been changed to represent gay or progressive ideas (see this post for full details on that). Cardinal Grech’s response: — Diane Montagna (@dianemontagna) November 1, 2022 Grech is quite bellicose, he seems angered by the question, which  one would expect if one has any knowledge of the man, I was hearing reports that he was a bully and a cover up artist years before his eleva...

A Synod Designed to Push Lies

 On Instagram, thebasiccatholic has shared some very interesting information. So what we have here is an eye witness account of the reality of the Synod on Synodality. All the discussion from faithful Catholics leading up to this synod has been puzzling over why, given the clear and documented lack of faith and formation among the general Catholic population ( just of of many recent examples here ), Rome would seek to consult lay people and even non-Catholics ( see no. 6 here ) about the direction the Church should take. Revitalise it how? By walking away from Church teachings? We have seen that modelled in numerous Protestant denominations and we know the result is irrelevance and oblivion . It is widely recognised that the majority of baptised Catholics are not practising, and, of those that are practising, only a small minority are able to articulate their faith with any clarity. Given this reality, it seems a forgone conclusion what any survey will reveal: the lack of belief i...

Cardinal Grech knew in 2009 priest was accused of molesting children

Late in the 1990's, a priest in the diocese of Cairns, Australia was accused of abusing children. The priest fled home to his native Gozo, a small island in the Maltese archipelago. Cairns Bishop James Foley, ( who has exhibited public cause for concern previously ) told The Cairns Post he had been in email contact with the current Bishop of Gozo, where this man Joseph Sultana is still serving as a priest. The Times of Malta reports Cairns Bishop James Foley, who offered the victim religious counselling when informed of the abuse in November 2009 ,  "The current Bishop of Gozo and I have exchanged emails on this matter, initiated by him after this was reported in the media in Malta," Bishop Foley said. "Now I have no authority or jurisdiction over Joseph Sultana. "The alleged victim and his solicitors have been urged by myself and our lawyers that this matter should be in police hands, as they are the only ones with the means and the authority to investigate...