What a "Toxic Nightmare" Looks Like

Yesterday (30th Jan 2023) Cardinals Grech & Hollerich — Secretary General & General Relator of the Synod on Synodality — sent a letter to all bishops on the role of bishops in the synodal process. To state the blindingly obvious, this would seem to be a bit late on in the process to be explaining to bishops what exactly it is they are supposed to have been doing for the last few years, but perhaps that is because no one has much of a clue. Even their own website is baffling . The whole thing seems to be word salad. In their letter, Grech and Hollerich also say that they wish to clarify any misunderstanding over what the Synod is truly about. Sadly, if that truly was their intention, this letter fails miserably. What the letter does do is desperately try to tie synodality to Vatican II ( a reminder that synodality is a complete novelty and appears nowhere in Vatican II's documents) and also tries to use Lumen Gentium 12 to force a deeply spurious argumentum ad popul...