
Showing posts with the label Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

The Hierarchy, Cardinal Kasper, Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate, & all that.

I started off extremely skeptical about this video, I don't have a huge problem with Vatican II, except when it is considered in isolation as the last word in Catholic doctrine, ignoring everything that has gone before, but by the time I got to the bit about Cardinal Kasper (at about 16:45) I found myself agreeing with pretty much everything being said!

Sanctioning the Faithful-Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

This  post at  Rorate Caeli  is well worth reading if, like me, are concerned about the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate , it's been a difficult week. The post debunks a report from Michael J. Miller in the Catholic World Report  attempts to address the speculation about the order. Basically, the worry is that the Vatican is censuring the order for attachment to traditionalism. Apparently, five priests complained about the traditional direction the order was taking and as a result their ability to say mass in the extraordinary form, as guaranteed under Summorum Pontificum was suspended. At the time, assurances were given that this was simply to make sure that those in the order that did not prefer the EF did not have it unfairly forced upon them. Many people were shocked by this, but understood the need for fairness for all in this matter and took a wait and see approach. I was sure Rorate Caeli had it wrong, and chose to trust Pope Francis and the Vatican ...

Reassurances from Pope Francis Re: Extraordinary Form

Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos I was very pleased to read in Catholic World News , a report that Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, former prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, has recently received assurances from Pope Francis that he has no problem with Traditionalist Catholics or the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Meeting with The General Assembly of the International Una Voce Federation ( FIUV ), he said: “I met Pope Francis very recently and he told me that he has no problem with the old rite, and neither does he have any problem with lay groups and associations like yours that promote it,” This has been confirmed by His Excellency Bishop Rifan, of the Apostolic Administration of St. John Vianney, Campos, who recently wrote to The President of the FIUV, and the Chairman of the Latin Mass Society thus: Dear friends of LMS and UNAVOCE, I send you the photos of my last visit to the Pope Francis, may 22th 2013. I introduced myself saying who I am, explaining...

Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, Pope Francis and Rorate Caeli:

FFI Ordination from NLM . Disappointed that Rorate Caeli are again, spinning against Pope Francis. In what has become a typical reaction from a blog I have long trusted and admired, Rorate Caeli are trying to suggest that Pope Francis is moving against Summorum Pontificum by suggesting that Pope Francis has severely restricted the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate from celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass, and has "imposed the Novus Ordo on all their priests". However, the Order themselves tell us: This is an unfortunate instance of an overeager journalist sensationalizing something he can only speculate about. The restrictions on our community are specific to us and have been put in place for reasons specific to us. Pope Francis has not contradicted Pope Benedict. The visitation of our community began under Pope Benedict and the Commission was recommended by Cardinal João Braz de Aviz who was appointed to the Congregation by Pope Benedict. What is b...