
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller

Cardinal Müller endorses cardinals’ dubia on the Synod on Synodality

(Source:  LifeSiteNews ) — Cardinal Gerhard Müller, upon request by LifeSiteNews, has issued a short statement endorsing the courageous   dubia  challenging Pope Francis and several aspects of the upcoming “Synod on Synodality” that go against Church teaching, saying that he is “glad” that “others in their own way do what is necessary” to remind the pope “of his God-given responsibility for the preservation of the Church.” Today, five cardinals – Walter Brandmüller, Raymond Leo Burke, Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Robert Sarah, and Joseph Zen – published  dubia  they had previously privately sent to Pope Francis but that went unanswered, in the hopes that by going public they would receive answers to a number of concerns they have regarding Church doctrine and the upcoming synod. In particular, the cardinals asked Francis whether  the Church today can “teach doctrines contrary to those she has previously taught in matters of faith and morals,” and whether the Chur...

Müller: Rescriptum is a "brutal intolerance"

The Pope is a gift to the Church and, indeed, to all Christians. This is because the Pope is the representative of Christ on earth, Christ, from whom his authority comes, gave the power to loose and to bind to all the Apostles, but to Simon Peter in a special way (CCC 881). But the only authority the Pope has finds its source in Jesus Christ: "The holders of office, who are invested with a sacred power, are, in fact, dedicated to promoting the interests of their brethren, so that all who belong to the People of God . . . may attain to salvation." ( Lumen Gentium n.18)...In other words, the servant of the servants of God . So what are we to make of a Pope who uses his authority to directly subvert the purpose for which it exists? Every single Catholic I have ever known who had an interest in or attended the Traditional Latin Mass did so out of a desire to grow closer to Christ. It may not be palatable for Catholics attached to the new Mass to hear, but they do it because it i...

Traditionis custodes: "Imprudent Intransigence" ~ Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller

 From Rorate Caeli : The following article by Domenico Agasso appeared in La Stampa on January 7, 2023. ( link ) VATICAN CITY. "Pope Francis' clampdown on the Latin Mass was an imprudence. I suggest to the Pontiff that he be more attentive to all sensibilities within the Church, even those furthest from his own." And he warns of a possible schism on the left in Germany, sounding a sharp "no" to the blessing of gay couples: "It is against the word of God." German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, 75, was a student of Benedict XVI and his successor at the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Bergoglio created him a cardinal in 2014, but then in 2017 did not renew his mandate as prefect. The cardinal reflects on the future of the Church after celebrating Mass for the Epiphany. He argues that "we are not a political or merely human organization, but a creation of Jesus Christ" with the task of "working for the eternal salvat...