Christians & Protestants

My Third son John has discovered denominations and is fascinated about what different Christians believe. This developing interest has led us on a bit of a journey over the last few months. After Mass this morning, we drove past a Congregationalist chapel. "con-greee-gaT-on-el" enunciated John, trying to get his tongue around the unfamiliar word. "Are they popular Dad?". John knows how to ask a question in a way which puts me least at ease. I don't know what the Church attendance is like there, but it is one of four chapels along this short stretch of road in Leigh, famously densely populated with religious communities of all persuasions. Given the proliferation of alternative religious options versus the number of potentially attending human persons in Leigh, I find it difficult to imagine they have anything more than a handful of devoted attendees. "They're Protestant, right Dad?" Is John's next enquiry. "What do you think that means, J...