Or to be more accurate, perhaps, she turns her whole self to the wall. She does this gradually, over time, so I don't notice it happening, until suddenly, one day, I see that she's facing the wall (or nearly) and turn her back.
The explanation, of course, is simple and natural; the statue has come free of its base, and every time I shut one of the drawers, it shifts a little on its base, with the net result I have described.
But because I am a very simple soul (or a very profound one - you decide) I see meaning in such things. There's a line in CS Lewis somewhere (That Hideous Strength, I rather fancy) about Our Lord doing all things for all people.
And so I ask myself, why would Our Lady turn her face to the wall? And the answer, of course, is sin. So now I have developed the practice of only turning Our Lady back to face the room when I have been to confession: and when she turns to the wall, I know it's time to go again.
And that works pretty well...
No posts for six months - is this the end of CF, Ben?
No. But see https://ccfather.blogspot.com/2017/09/the-power-of-silence-1.html (ff) for an explanation of vastly decreased social media engagement. (And apologies for delays in posting your comment: the notifcation of comments awaiting moderation has stopped, for some reason...)
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