
Showing posts with the label Cardinal Sarah

Fiducia Supplicans: "a heresy that seriously undermines the Church, the Body of Christ, because it is contrary to the Catholic faith and Tradition"

 My video on Cardinal Sarah's comments regarding Fiducia Supplicans: If you don't already, please do like and subscribe to my Youtube channel!

Cardinal Sarah: “The Church is dying because the shepherds are afraid of speaking with truth & clarity,”

The Church is living a “mystery of treason,” a “mystery of Judas”, Curia Cardinal Robert Sarah writes in his new book “Le soir approche et déjà le jour baisse” (Fayard), “The Church is dying because the shepherds are afraid of speaking with truth and clarity,” he adds, “We are afraid of the media.” As a consequence, Catholics are “confused”. For Sarah the Church has become a “den of darkness” and a “cave of thieves”. Certain men of God have turned into “agents of the Evil one.” And, “...have betrayed like Judas.” Sarah calls relativism “the mask of Judas, dressed as an intellectual.” “We tolerate everything” and “Catholic doctrine is put in question,” Cardinal Sarah says, “In the name of stances which they call ‘intellectual’, theologians delight in deconstructing the dogmas and emptying Catholic morals of their profound significance.” Gloria tv reports . It is difficult to argue against the Cardinal's hypothesis which suggests that, at the root of the collapse of...

Cardinal Sarah to celebrate Mass at Chartres!

The Paris-Chartres Pilgrimage occurs every year on the Feast of Pentecost in early summer, and is a multi-generational, multi-national gathering of Catholics who draw closer to God through the centuries-old act of pilgrimage. The walk is roughly 62 miles over 3 days—beginning at daybreak on the Saturday before Pentecost, and ending with an afternoon mass on the Monday after Pentecost. The trek takes 8,000-10,000 pilgrims from the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, through the French countryside to the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Chartres. Participants brave the weather, blisters, and humble food and accommodations as an act of faith and an act of reparation in these modern times. If you want to get a flavour of the pilgrimage, I recommend you check out CC Father's blog , where he has kept a valuable record of his experiences on the pilgrimage over a number of years and with numerous children in tow. Last year, Cardinal Burke offered the Mass at Chatres and received an extr...

Night of the Long Knives at the CDW

Following on from yesterday's news about the changes afoot in the Italian Diocese of Albenga-Imperia, we hear that the Pope has appointed 27 new members of the Congregation for Divine Worship. The Vatican announcement can be read here . A report from Catholic Culture here . A report from La Croix here . Catholic Culture suggests: The new appointments give a distinctly more liberal character—as well as a more international complexion—to the congregation. The changes seem likely to curtail the work of Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect of the Congregation, who has been a leading proponent of more reverent liturgy and of “the reform of the reform.” Which is rather disturbing if accurate. I note that one of the appointees is Bishop Alan Hopes of East Anglia, who is a promoter of good liturgy and a good bishop. Rorate Caeli has more detail and notes: Cardinal Robert Sarah remains the Prefect of the CDW. However, the new membership of his Congregation makes hi...

Sacra Liturgia: Meeting a Hero

Mgr Keith Newton presides at Pontifical High Mass for the closing of the Sacra Liturgia Conference in London. It was a busy week at work last week. I was keeping up with developments at the Sacra Liturgia Conference in London, although I wasn't able to attend myself. Some friends did though, and kept me informed regarding the content of the discussions. My Course Director from Maryvale, Fr Michael Cullinan, was one of the speakers. Delivering a talk on the ethical character of the mysteries . As well as Stephen Bullivant , Cardinal Robert Sarah ,  Mgr Andrew Burnham , among others. On Friday, I had to get up at 4am and drive to Chelsea to prepare for a job we have starting at a school there. My good friend Fr Jeff Woolnough suggested we head up to Warwick Street in the evening for the closing Mass of the Conference. Despite being really tired, I jumped at the chance. Any time spent with Fr Jeff is always a great encouragement, and the liturgy at Warwick Street is always upli...

Cardinal Sarah: "priests and the faithful turned together in the same direction – eastwards or at least towards the apse – to the Lord who comes"

Cardinal Sarah speaking at Sacra Liturgia, flanked by Bishop Dominique Rey (Photo by Lawrence Lew OP) On June 4th, you may remember this post , which referred to the fact that Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments  had called for priests to say Mass facing East, in the time honoured manner, so that both the celebrant and the people face God to whom they pray: "As soon as we reach the moment when one addresses God—from the offertory onwards—it is essential that the priest & faithful look together towards the east." Yesterday saw the beginning of the Sacra Liturgia Conference in London where the opening address was from Cardinal Sarah. Much of what he said has been posted in chunks on their FB page here . But Dom Hugh Somerville-Knapman has an excellent report on the day here . The big news is that Cardinal Sarah reaffirmed his call to celebrate Mass facing East. The Cardinal, the highest authori...

Fr. Thomas Rosica - Can Doctrine Change?

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CEO of Sue & Litigate Salt & Light TV and English Speaking Assistant to Fr. Lombardi at the Vatican states baldly in his speech as part of Assumption University's Christian Culture Lecture Series, that doctrine changes (as reported earlier; full transcript here ). This flies in the face of basic theology, for the Catholic faith is a revealed faith grounded in a deposit given to us by Jesus and the Apostles. This is what we mean when we say it is "Apostolic". Doctrine cannot change. The fundamental Doctrine of God have not. They CAN NOT. These are the blueprints of what it means to be human. We mess with this, we become sub-human. The Decalogue was a start, then Jesus came to fulfill that Law - which is not one of petty legalistic 'small-minded rules' - but the means of enlarging our hearts to be made ' capax dei '. The well-known pseudonymous commentator Augustine has contacted me with the following comments: Compare...