The Church is living a “mystery of treason,” a “mystery of Judas”, Curia Cardinal Robert Sarah writes in his new book “Le soir approche et déjà le jour baisse” (Fayard), “The Church is dying because the shepherds are afraid of speaking with truth and clarity,” he adds, “We are afraid of the media.” As a consequence, Catholics are “confused”. For Sarah the Church has become a “den of darkness” and a “cave of thieves”. Certain men of God have turned into “agents of the Evil one.” And, “...have betrayed like Judas.” Sarah calls relativism “the mask of Judas, dressed as an intellectual.” “We tolerate everything” and “Catholic doctrine is put in question,” Cardinal Sarah says, “In the name of stances which they call ‘intellectual’, theologians delight in deconstructing the dogmas and emptying Catholic morals of their profound significance.” Gloria tv reports . It is difficult to argue against the Cardinal's hypothesis which suggests that, at the root of the collapse of...