Cardinal O'Brien and Liberal Fascism

Cardinal O'Brien with the boys and I. Look how homosexual lobbyists Stonewall demonstrate their tolerance . Harold Wilson once made a speech against extremists 'including extreme so-called moderates' - the context was different but the argument is as valid now as it was then. I've met Cardinal O'Brien, he ordained my friend Fr. Dominic O'Toole at St. Mary's in Clapham. He is personable, brilliant, generous with his time and spirit, not at all haughty or self important, very accessible and CATHOLIC. Cardinal O'Brien is OK too (—Sorry, couldn't resist!). Apparently he has made an interesting journey in his own life from a rather relaxed faith to one that focuses more on the essential truths of Catholic teaching. Today that is evident in the fact that he is not afraid to stand up and be counted. Priests and people love him. When the good Cardinal 'won' this ridiculous award, Ruth Davidson MSP (the Conservative leader in Scotland) ...