Civil War in the Church of England

Archbishop Nicholas Okoh and Bishop Susan Goff Those well meaning groups who seek to modify what they consider to be harsh and unkind teachings of the Catholic Church ( see this amusing, satirical take on it ) may find it enlightening to take a cool, calm look at our ecumenical brothers and sisters in the Church of England (CoE). The CoE contains several doctrinal strands, the main three known as Anglo-catholic, Evangelical and Liberal or Broad Church (for more detail on this see here ). Over the last 24 years many of the conservative Anglo-catholic clergy of the CoE have left the Church of England and have joined either the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church or an independent Community. This parting of the ways was mainly caused by the decision of the CoE Synod in 1992 to permit the ordination of women to the priesthood (and later to the episcopate). Many Anglo-catholics felt that they could no longer accept the CoE’s claim to be in organic, doctrinal and historical con...