
Showing posts with the label Bishop Paprocki

Archbishop Chaput: Fr. James Martin's message causes confusion about Church doctrine

In this post the other day I mentioned Fr James Martin's most recent scandalous Tweet. I had to wonder if this crossed a bit of a line - there was certainly a strong reaction on social media. But Martin has been doing this for a long while, and he doesn't just push it with LGBTQ issues, he challenges lots of Catholic ideas: His problematic ramblings often attract brother priests to remonstrate: Jim doesn't care. They're all just haters. And he has the Vatican backing him ! And anyway, those who argue with him are all gays anyway! . @jamesmartinsj says cardinals & bishops support his LGBT agenda Says critics are "uncomfortable" with their sexuality. TYPICAL GAY TACTIC — Nick Donnelly (@ProtecttheFaith) August 1, 2017 Anyway I wonder if his "gay "marriage"" Tweet prompted Archbishop Chaput to write this warning to the faithful about Martin's lies? Whether it was or not, i...

James Martin backed by Cardinals!

Delusional Jesuit homosexualist James Martin uses Twitter for two things: to troll faithful Catholics by posting heretical/provocative/erroneous statements about the faith (see here for an example) and (and mostly this second function if we're honest) to promote the homosexual agenda. Church Militant have no qualms in calling him out on this, see here . He recently wrote a controversial book which was criticised by Archbishop Chaput for failing to speak with authenticity about this complex and difficult issue (see here ). Archbishop Chaput isn't Martin's only critic, his clearly inauthentic and agenda riven approach has been broadsided by all and sundry including: Catholic World Report Crux Catholic News Agency National Catholic Register Fr Gerald Murray Crisis Magazine Lifesite The Liturgy Guy First Things The Witherspoon Institute One Peter Five Catholic Education Resource Centre Commonweal Joseph Sciambra Pagadian Diocese And several notable pos...