
Showing posts with the label Father Dominic Howarth

Brentwood Caritas Website Update

Screenshot of the picture used to advertise Brentwood's  Caritas  website, which emphasises LGBT ideology & a strong link with children. (I have obscured the faces of the children for obvious reasons). It seems almost divine providence that, further to my last post , Cardinal Müller (former prefect for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ) has given an interview  on the abuse crisis and its link to homosexuality in priesthood. In this interview he states: The LGBT ideology is based upon a false anthropology which denies God as the Creator. Since it is in principle atheistic or perhaps has only to do with a Christian concept of God at the margins, it has no place in Church documents. This is an example of the creeping influence of atheism in the Church, which has been responsible for the crisis of the Church for half a century. Unfortunately, it does not stop working in the minds of some shepherds who, in their naive belief of being modern, do no...

Brentwood Diocese Abandons the Catechism, Endorses Sin

This weekend in my own diocese of Brentwood we saw the launch of a new initiative: Caritas Brentwood launches! Have a look at to discover amazing people doing stunning work throughout @BrentwoodRC . Catholic Social Teaching in action. Lives transformed. — Fr Dominic Howarth (@Father_Dominic) November 17, 2018 I actually read the bidding prayers at Mass which prayed for the success of this initiative and when I got home, I thought I would have a look. I was flabbergasted (frankly) to find this page promoting the organisation Quest which Cardinal Hume banned from the Catholic Directory of the Church in England and Wales because he concluded it was not a Catholic organisation as it stated that its objectives were to change Church teaching. Quest  have a long history of lobbying and dissent which you can get a sense for at Protect the Pope . Quest openly and publicly support same-sex marriage in direct contradiction to Church teaching. Despite ...