
Showing posts with the label Youth Synod

“Thou shalt not bear false witness” – English Cardinal Berates Social Media Users

The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Gerard Cardinal Nichols took to Twitter recently to berate Catholics who use the internet for the “bitterness, tittle-tattle, hostility and false witness that floods the digital world.” How easily the internet reduces us to digital tribes, engaged in a kind of bitter conflict which somehow seems acceptable because it is ‘out there’ somewhere. These things are a true disfigurement of the face of Jesus and should have no place in our lives. — Cardinal Nichols (@CardinalNichols) October 26, 2018 Linking to a homily the Cardinal delivered at the Venerable English College in Rome on the 21 st October 2018, he suggested “those who contribute” include “priests and deacons.” “How easily the internet reduces us to digital tribes, engaged in a kind of bitter conflict which somehow seems acceptable because it is ‘out there’ somewhere. Even if we do not contribute, and sometimes we are worse than others, far too easily we amuse ourselve...

The Point of the Synod: Normalisation of Homosexuality or New Church Model?

The baldness with which the homosexual agenda is being pushed at this synod is utterly shocking! The fact that this is being done in the shadow of revelations about sexual abuse which demonstrated over 80% of victims were young post-pubescent boys is demonic! In case you think this is pure fantasy perhaps imagined by some overly active homophobic mind, let me remind you of the third testimony from Archbishop Viganò : On June 23, 2013, I met Pope Francis face-to-face in his apartment to ask for clarification, and the Pope asked me, “il cardinale McCarrick, com’è (Cardinal McCarrick — what do you make of him)?”– which I can only interpret as a feigning of curiosity in order to discover whether or not I was an ally of McCarrick. I told him that McCarrick had sexually corrupted generations of priests and seminarians, and had been ordered by Pope Benedict to confine himself to a life of prayer and penance. • Instead, McCarrick continued to enjoy the special regard of Pope Franci...

Cardinal Müller: Who will Save the Church From Pope Francis & His Friends?

Cardinal Gerhard Müller former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) at the Vatican speaks at length about the cover up of sex abuse by clergy, the Youth Synod getting underway in Rome this week and much more in this interview. Asked about the scandal surrounding abuse in the Church the Cardinal explains how this abuse comes from a breakdown of morality in society, a rejection of the sixth commandment. This breakdown has also entered the Church as well. Cardinal Müller clearly states that the abuse crisis is a homosexual crisis, he is clear about the statistics involved. Müller also says the Pope's suggestions that abuse is down to "clericalism" is nonsense. It is a violation of the Sixth Commandment. Cardinal Müller says with respect to Archbishop Vigano's testimonies , he always sought to broker a reconciliation between Pope Francis and Archbishop Vigano, his testimony in this interview continuously appeals to an open process: as the a...