
Showing posts with the label Pope of confusion

Priest Writes to Pope Francis Addressing his Pluralism

  An Open Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis       The inside of the dome of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome with the words of Our Lord to St Peter,   Tu es petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam; et portae inferi non prevalebunt adversus eam; et tibi dabo claves regni coelorum.   Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.   Mt 16:18-19 Most Holy Father,   Recently, you addressed the young people of Singapore. You encouraged them to engage critically with the world around them. You urged them to take risks. You warned them of the danger of becoming enslaved to social media and discouraged them from becoming closed in on themselves as a result of living their lives too much through social media. And you highlighted the need to be brave in standing up to bullies. The young p...

Pope Francis & Fr. James Martin

What on earth is the Pope doing? The Pope who has no time to see the Emeritus bishop of Hong Kong ,  the Pope who refused to meet with the senior cardinals who presented him with several dubia over his teaching , has lots of time to  write a personal letter in support of Fr James Martin SJ’s ministry to LGBTQ+ Catholics, thanking the prominent and frequently controversial Jesuit for his work and encouraging him to continue his efforts. The very BEST one could say is that Fr. Martin is clearly deeply divisive and controversial. I have posted about him numerous times, the last time just a few days ago . “I want to thank you for your pastoral zeal and your ability to be close to people,” Pope France wrote in the letter, “with the closeness that Jesus had, and which reflects the closeness of God.” Hand-written in Spanish, the letter was a reply to one the pope had received from a young relative of Fr Martin ahead of the correspondent’s Confirmation and reminding him of an LGBTQ ...

Bergoglio's Cat

Life-size cat figure in the garden of Huttenstrasse 9, Zurich, where Erwin Schrödinger lived 1921–1926. Depending on the light conditions, the cat appears either alive or dead. Schrödinger's famous thought experiment poses the question, " when does a quantum system stop existing as a superposition of states and become one or the other? " Schrödinger wanted people to imagine that a cat, poison, a geiger counter, radioactive material, and a hammer were inside of a sealed container. The amount of radioactive material was minuscule enough that it only had a 50/50 shot of being detected over the course of an hour. If the geiger counter detected radiation, the hammer would smash the poison, killing the cat. Until someone opened the container and observed the system, it was impossible to predict if the cat’s outcome. Thus, until the system collapsed into one configuration, the cat would exist in some superposition zombie state of being both alive and dead. Of course, S...

Rainbow Crosses?

'No one in the Vatican wears a badge saying, "I am gay"'. Just because pratically every appointment I have made, just because the Synod seems to promote 'gay' issues, just because my PR men promote 'gay', it means nothing, No dots to join ... — Monsignor Ferrari (@ServizioVatican) October 17, 2018 Part of me is saying that this is a kind of a trap, but it is worth noting anyway, I'll tell you why. I'm being told this represents something called the Cursillo Apostolate   (never heard of that before). The Vatican are saying it's the cross of World Youth Day and the colours symbolise the different countries? 🌈 cross worn by Pope: Green for Mexico and C. America Yellow for Caribbean Red for Andes region Blue for Southern Cone region 🌈 — Jason Calvi (@JasonCalvi) October 17, 2018 A friend said today that the colours are not in the correct order for the gay rainbow and that it...

The response of youth to the "youth" synod? Largely horror.

This is really brilliant and cuts through the despicable synod double-speak beautifully with clear Catholic truth! I hope it was read out to the whole assembly? But as Baldesseri controls everything it would seem very unlikely. Might I recommend therefore, we make as much of it as possible in an attempt to make them hear the true voice of Catholic Youth? Edward Pentin reports  Australian youth have written a letter to the Synod, which criticises substituting the truth for policy-speak and calls out senior prelates who deliberately use ambiguous language in the face of Christ’s teachings. In an Oct. 12 letter addressed to the Synod Fathers and all the assembly's participants (see full text in Pentin's report here ), 217 Australian university students and young professionals stress that young people “do not want to shape the Church before the Church can form us,” and that they are yearning for a “reliable moral compass.” “The world is confused,” they write, “and in this...

Priests Appeal Teaching Errors

Priests Appeal to World’s Bishops to Address ‘Pastoral Crisis’ in the Church Their plea to reaffirm the Gospel comes in response to errors in teaching which they say have their roots in ‘secular mentalities and the false moral theology of past decades.’ A group of priests has issued a plea to all the world’s bishops to “reaffirm Christ’s teaching” in the face of today’s “pastoral crisis” in the Catholic Church. Fifteen American and European clergy, including Father Gerald Murray, a frequent guest on EWTN’s The World Over program, highlight a resurgence of “gravely harmful moral errors” regarding the feasibility of living Jesus’ teachings, the nature of conscience, and the role of the Church. With measured and respectful words, A Pastoral Appeal to the Bishops for an Apostolic Reaffirmation of the Gospel expresses the hope that “much of the damage” caused by this trend “could be healed or mitigated” if bishops were to “reaffirm Jesus’ teachings and to correct those erro...