International Coalition of Bishops Writes to German Episcopacy Over ‘Synodal Path’


Over 70 bishops from four continents warn that heterodox German reform efforts risk fracturing Church unity, adversely impacting the Church globally.

Can it really be true that there are just 74 bishops in the whole of the episcopacy willing to stand up for the Church? As of 2020 there were approximately 5,600 living bishops in the Latin and Eastern churches of the Catholic Church.

One friend commented: Sadly no English bishops are signatories. I guess it's more politically expedient to censure priests who are faithful to Catholic teaching than it is to offend local rainbow people.

Of course it is a fact that No less than 13 mitered abbots attended the coronation of Anne Boleyn, so there is historical precedent for low expectations. One can only hope that more sign up now the document is public. Indeed the letter’s organizers have provided the email address where other bishops can request to add their names to the letter.

And bishop Paprocki commented “My hope would be that other bishops who, for whatever reason, didn’t have an opportunity to [sign on previously] would not feel excluded, but, in fact, would feel they now have an opportunity to add their name to the list, so I would hope to see that list continue to grow.”

Bishop Paprocki believes that by releasing the letter publicly after already securing 70-plus signatures, including the signatures of some internationally respected ecclesial figures, other bishops who might be concerned about departing from “the mainstream in terms of collegiality and communicating with fellow bishops” will have an easier time signing onto the letter than they would have by themselves. 

Personally I find that admission quite revealing regarding the episcopacy's willingness to relegate truth in favour of political expediency.

I hope we see more bishops signing this letter as the situation is causing a grave scandal in the universal Church and is one of the most pressing issues facing the Catholic Church today. A recent survey revealed that a massive 29% of those who walk away from their Catholic faith cite "Negative religious teachings about or treatment of gay and lesbian people" as their primary reason for leaving. That breaks down as 40% for women, 20% for men, and a massive 39% for Millennials, 12% for seniors, 39% raised Catholic, 29% raised anything else. This is an avalanche of apostasy which the Church desperately needs to address by engaging with the situation and explaining Christ's saving truth with respect to this. As a priest recently told me "nobody is going to go there!"

Cleary ze Germanz have decided that God got it wrong and He needs to change. This was demonstrated openly by Cardinal Marx, a close advisor to Pope Francis, who celebrated a "queer mass" (sounds satanic, doesn't it? Like a perversion of itself!) and called for Church teaching on homosexuality to change. What we actually need is not to simply follow the modern zeitgeist and rather to find a way to communicate Catholic teaching that your sexual appetites are not who you are!

This kind of approach to doctrine has long been in evidence in the Church and it is easy to spot. The call of the Church is to conform to Christ. These jokers want the Church to conform to their wicked and sinful fetishes.


  1. The whole Church is in a state of Apostasy,Bergoglio et al.Let us pray that Truth will out and justice comes to these evil men.The Mystical Body of Christ will be victorious.God Bless.


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