Irish Youth Can't Hear Dangerous Catholic Teaching

Following this recent story about Jason Evert having a number of talks cancelled in Ireland due to the counter-cultural nature of his message, and Ireland's head-long descent into hellish darkness, Jason himself has appeared on the Patrick Coffin show and spoken about the events. Initially I was quite critical of the fact that Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan had refused to speak to Irish media about the situation. It seemed to me that this was missing an opportunity to speak up for Catholic teaching in an area which is all too often ignored and where young people especially, desperately need information and guidance: a counter narrative to help them form a balanced perspective given all the brain washing that goes on about sexuality and the Church from the secular media. In my follow-up post , I considered what I had learned after speaking to some members of his diocese who seemed impressed with the bishop's commitment to the faith and his work to develop the diocese. Bisho...