This is from an article at The Catholic Thing Fr. Mark A. Pilon writes: 'We have failed to maintain discipline about truth. When we are unwilling to defend the truth, truth itself becomes mere opinion.' 'Vatican II had affirmed the authority and responsibility of individual bishops as true successors of the apostle [but] after the Council discipline mostly collapsed, at least when it came to safeguarding the faith. Witness the open and massive dissent from Humanae Vitae - a formal reaffirmation of a constant teaching of the Universal Ordinary Magisterium, which was defined as infallible by both Vatican I and Vatican II. It’s hard to think of anyone among the “clergy, pastors, confessors, preachers, religious superiors, and professors in philosophical-theological seminaries” openly disciplined by his bishop for dissenting from this teaching. Part of the problem was that several bishops were, themselves, dissenters, though secretly out of fear for repercuss...