BBC Libel in report of Pope's visit to Auschwitz

This is an article featured on Catholic Voices today that refers to an item on BBC News last night which needs to be read and shared widely. I really found this upsetting because it is insidious and plays to the secular narrative whether any concern for truth or integrity. It really is poor journalism and the Beeb needs to be called on it and really should apologise! The CV article is as follows: Last night, a report on BBC News on Pope Francis’s visit to Auschwitz claimed that it was a visit motivated by reparation for the Church’s silence during the Holocaust. (The full clip is not available on the BBC website). In fact, the visit was part of the Church’s corporate commitment to remembering the Holocaust so that it may never be repeated — a commitment made by previous popes (see John Allen at Crux ). The idea that the Church was ‘silent’ during the Holocaust is an old canard that has been comprehensively rebutted by historians (...