#Synod14—Less Heat, More Light.

My lovely, Catholic mum said to me last night over dinner: "What do you make of all this about the Church going against Pope Francis' on gays?" Louise, who I have bored rigid with the goings on at the synod over the last week or so, looked at me and we simultaneously enunciated "What?!!?!!" I assumed she had been at The Daily Mail again, but it turned out that this was the BBC's spin on the synod's proceedings. Earlier today, my past Catenian President, Brother Paul Abbott, a dentist (I offer this as evidence of his intelligence, though some might merely accept it as evidence of masochistic predeliction ) who is a loyal and faithful Catholic remarked to me: "We're turning into the Church of England when a synod is held and the Magisterium can be altered by a democratic process". OUCH! That stung! But I can assure you Paul, that certainly can never happen in the Catholic Church, despite the resultant confusion from the synod a...