[564] τὸ μέν, a constr. ad sensum after “αἰχμή”, cf. 5.140, 11.238, Od. 4.508. “ ξκῶλοξ, ” cf. “σκόλοψ”, ‘a stake.’ “οἱ γὰρ ἄγροικοι ἀποξύνοντες τὰ ξύλα πυρακτοῦσι τὸ ἄκρον, ὅπως πιληθὲν” (compressed) “εἴη στερρότερον [χρῶνται δὲ αὐτῶι ἀντὶ αἰχμῆς”], Schol. The A. last words seem to be a mistaken addition. The meaning is that the stump of the spear sticks in the shield like a post driven into the ground, with the end charred to prevent rotting; a precaution which is still habitual.