[428] αἰγυπιοί, see on 7.59. “ ἀγκυλοχείλης ” recurs in Od. 19.538, Od. 22.302, lit. with curved lips, of the hooked beak, cf. Eur. Ion 1199 of doves “ἐς αὐτὸ χείλη . . καθῆκαν”. Still the phrase is an odd one. “ἀγκυλοχῆλαι” has been proposed (“χηλή” of birds' claws Aisch. Pers. 208, Soph. Ant. 1003, Eur. Ion 1208) but this would be a mere repetition of “γαμψώνυχες” (so Et. Mag. s.v.).