[518] λοίγια ἔργα, an exclamation, ‘sad work,’ as we say; it is hardly necessary to supply “ἔσται” if we read ὅ τε with Bekker; “ὅτε” gives a rather weaker sense. See H. G. § 269 ad fin. “οἴω λοίγι᾽ ἔσεσθαι” occurs in 21.533, 23.310. ἐχθοδοπῆσαι: “ἅπαξ εἰρημένον”, but “ἐχθοδοπός” occurs in Attic, and seems to be related to “ἔχθος” as “ἀλλοδαπός” to “ἄλλος”. Ar. is said to have put a stop after “ἐφήσεις”, and read “Ἥρη” for “Ἥρηι” (but Ludwich doubts this). In any case such an order of the words would not be Homeric.