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[6] πεφυζότες, in a state (perf.) of rout, a word recurring only in this book (528, 532) and 22.1. For the formation see H. G. § 26. 5. The isolated perf. part., without any trace of the other parts of tense, may be paralleled in modern Greek, where the perf. pass. has entirely disappeared, with the exception of the participle which is in common use. — The mist spread by Hera is forgotten again immediately, the usual fate of supernatural darkness in a well-marked class of interpolations; see 17.268, etc. We are not even told whether it is Achilles or the Trojans who are to be checked: probably we must understand it to be the latter. Düntzer omits “ἠέρα . . ἐρυκέμεν” altogether.

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