[543] φηρῆι, also in plur. “Φηραί”, in Messenia; see 9.151, Od. 3.488, Od. 15.186. It is generally identified with the modern Kalamata, but Pernice would place it three miles farther E. at Janitza (see Frazer Paus. iii. p. 422). In the house of this Diokles Telemachos lodges (Od. 3.489), and in the house of his father Ortilochos (as the almost complete consensus of MSS. of the Odyssey calls him) Odysseus received his bow (Od. 21.16). The variant Ὀρτίλοχος in 546-7 is an attempt to reconcile the traditions of Iliad and Od.; but it is not likely that the grandfather and grandson bore different names.