[247] τελειότατον, “ὅτι οὐ τὸν τῶι σώματι τέλειον, ἀλλὰ τὸν ἐπιτελεστικώτατον” (An.on 24.315), most sure of fulfilment. The word, like “τέλος” itself, evidently had a technical religious sense; cf. Aisch. Ag. 973 “Ζεῦ Ζεῦ τέλειε, τὰς ἐμὰς εὐχὰς τέλει”. On the other hand, in 1.66, 24.34 it is more naturally taken to mean unblemished; cf. 1.315 “τεληέσσας ἑκατόμβας” (and the “τέλειον σύμβολον” of Hymn. Merc. 526? but see Allen).