I'm looking out at a winter wonderland wondering how anyone could doubt we would have snow on Christmas. I can't remember a Christmas in my longish life when there wasn't snow on my Canadian home. Even in St. Catharines, the homeplate of damp drizzle, there was always a white blanket on Christmas. We're Canadian. It's how we roll. And yet for two solid weeks, the news people have been kvetching about a green Christmas. Oh, ye of little faith. The Environment Canada weather dudes told us we had an 80 percent chance of green, but I suspect they were smoking something. Just look out the winda. After I write this and have my chai tea, I'll be rolling out the door, heading for the shopping mall, not to line up with the idiots who worship false idols on Boxing Day, but to get my sweat on at The Athletic Club once again. I've missed a few days and my bones are starting to ache. I'm at the age when I've started to feel little jabs of ar...
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