There's something psychologically disturbing about the Canadian character. Perhaps it's the lack of vitamin D. In the nice weather months, we slather ourselves with enough oil to make a bean salad. We do burpies and watch our diets. We get nice new bouncy hairstyles. We work out like fiends. By the end of each summer, many of us are fit as fiddles, looking fine. But something happens when the sun disappears to the other side of world. Something happens as we enter the heart of winter darkness. We press the pause button on life. The yoga pants -- once hilariously called "sweat" pants -- come out. The carefully prepared veggie concoctions rot in the back of fridge as we dive into mounds of mashed potatoes, vats of beer and bottomless bags of Doritos. The insides of running shoes begin to stiffen and the gym rarely sees its door darkened. Winter is for tablets and televisions, PS3s and laptops which become the...
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