I was excited to finally get Ancestry.ca in hopes of tracking down information about my father, Russ, who died back in 1957. It's part of a book/audio project I'm working on, and I wanted to make sure the information I was referencing was accurate. I didn't know dear old dad since he died when I was a baby. I thought I might get some insight into the man whose name is on my birth certificate by looking him up on the popular website. Imagine my surprise to see the above information. "He married Vera Crown and they had two children together. He also had one daughter from a previous relationship," the post read. Huh. So my mom lied, and I am the bastard child of some other woman? How did this happen? Did some floosy simply drop off her bundle of joy on my mom's doorstep when dad was busy fighting bad guys in Europe during the war? When exactly did he have time to father a child in-between trips back and forth on army leave? No wonder my mom had a ...
More than a million served!