I think I'm speaking for a lot of 50-something women here when I say that Madonna had no business at the Super Bowl. There she was, all Miss High and Mighty, dressed like Cleo-friggin-patra, surrounded by a plethora of gay men in all shapes, sizes and colors. Oh, and Celo Green. What was she trying to prove? What was the NFL thinking? I'd rather see Pat Boone in leopard skin. Did you see her at the Golden Globes when she didn't win for W.E. standing there all snooty and entitled, with puckered biceps that looked like Jaws had got to them? Her, with that fake English accent? My, you've come a long way, Ms. Ciccone, since Susan was Desperately Seeking You in downtown 'Troit. Who could forget the old days with your lace gloves and hair frizz? Takes me back, alrighty. Now your claim to fame is being friends with Demi Moore while making terrible English bedroom dramas that even Elton John hates. Wait! You got to play the Super Bowl! Women over 50...
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