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Showing posts with the label bawdy houses

Legal prostitution does a bawdy good

I, for one, think legalized prostitution would be a good thing. Prostitutes provide an essential service in our society. They satisfy the needs of a volatile public who would otherwise have to get their sexual needs satisfied for free elsewhere. My first husband used prostitutes and I was grateful for it. He'd take trips to Las Vegas and I knew he wasn't just playing golf, and I didn't care. I wasn't interested in having sex with him and it kept our marriage going longer as a result. (I'm not sure if his current wife know this. Hope I'm not letting the cat out of the bag. :) There are a lot of guys in our society who would never get laid if not for prostitutes. Ugly guys. Smelly guys. Guys with disfigurements. Dudes with crazy-assed needs. Even prominent doctors turned senators in our community. Guys with no time or desire to buy a girl dinner. Prostitutes are saints who help sinners get their jollies in order to leave the rest of us alone. That said, I...