We heard yesterday that Senator Patrick Brazeau, the Canadian alter ego of Mickey Rourke, was resigning. He didn't go to Senator LeBreton and tender his resignation. He didn't send a letter to the prime minister. In his oily style, he announced he was resigning...on Twitter. Apparently, I'm told, it was an April Fool's prank. More like a mewling cry for help or attention. We have two words for the Brazman, as he likes to be called. Grow up. You disrespected your elders in the Senate by showing up for the vote to boot your sorry ass out of a place you rarely sat your bum down in the first place. You -- allegedly -- served your girlfriend a can of whoopass, which landed you in jail. You -- allegedly -- lied about where you live to fleece the Canadian taxpayer. Hence your expulsion from the Senate. You -- allegedly -- made unwanted sexual advances towards your underlings while serving as head honcho at a major aboriginal organization. This after plying ...
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