#499134775 / gettyimages.com I've been trying to make sense of the debate over the theft of celebrity images. I've also been trying to find a way to get my point across without pissing off all the right-minded citizens who see this activity as a crime, nothing more, nothing less. So I've decided to channel Louis C.K. to see how he would have assessed the situation. Woo. Here goes. Jennifer Lawrence and a hundred other celebrities nobody cares about got their photos hacked off something called the iCloud. I never use the iCloud but people who are more saavy than me do so to make sure their photos don't disappear when their piece of shit computer batteries melt down. This happened to me twice and nearly caused a fire, so you at Apple don't be so damned smarmy about your technology. Sometimes even Apple sucks balls. The stealing of these images is a terrible, terrible crime. The people who violate a person's privacy should be prosecuted to...
More than a million served!