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Showing posts with the label carole anne meehan

Getting past her husband's death: Carole Anne Meehan talks to her fans

For those of you not on CTV's Facebook, here is a note sent today by CTV Ottawa's Carole Anne Meehan about the "nightmare" of losing her husband, Greg Etue. The past four weeks have been a nightmare. There really are no words to describe the worry and anxiety surrounding my husband Greg's disappearance and then receiving the devastating news that he was de ... ad. While that heavy cloud still sits over my family, there is one thing that truly lifts my heart, and that has been from the outpouring of support from my family, friends and our community. From the supportive calls and emails, offers of assistance with the children - to the many meals that were delivered to my door - we have felt surrounded by love. So many people have helped us, I don't know how to begin to say: 'Thank You.' I took Evan and Elena to the library tonight to get some new books. When we arrived home there was a huge package on our front step stuffed with cards and let...

The strange case of Greg Etue

I got out of the daily news reporting game, I'll admit, because I didn't have the stomach to cover the many sad stories that came across my desk. I remember clearly once when I had to call an RCMP sergeant after his young son blew his head off with the officer's service revolver. "Please," he pleaded. "I really can't talk right now." "It was your gun, is that correct?" He slammed down the receiver. I was ashamed of myself. People have a right to some privacy in difficult times like that. I also used to hate having to go to the door of a dead child's home and jostle the competition for a picture. Really, it felt more like ghoulism than journalism. That said, I still believe that these stories must be told in an honest and forthright fashion with all the facts and none of the flourish and emotion that is all the rage in reporting these days. Over the past two years, we, in this community, have been treated to a lot o...

Carole Anne Meehan's note to her fans

Sad news today. Carole Anne's husband was found dead today. This note was just posted on CTV Ottawa from anchor Carole Anne Meehan whose husband, Greg Etue, disappeared eight days ago. Let's all pray for his return. I am compelled to give everyone an update on my husband Greg’s disappearance. Those are incredibly hard words to write – this is a nightmare that is now into its 8th day. Ottawa Police continue to work hard to find Greg’s Pontiac Montana Van. He had a full tank of gas on the day he went missing, Monday, Jan. 16th. He was last seen on Robertson Road that afternoon. The van has a Thule ski box on top. I ask anyone with information to please call police. We need Greg home. We miss him terribly and our children are lost and confused. I want to thank everyone who knows our family for their discretion in dealing with this subject. Our kids have not been approached with awkward questions…to them Dad, is just lost and will make his way home. I pray this mystery ...

Another tragedy at CTV Ottawa

The CTV Ottawa curse continues. For many years, CTV Ottawa has been known as much for tragedy among its staffers as for its news presentation. This week, we learned that popular news host Carole Anne Meehan's husband has gone missing. Greg Etue has been struggling for years with health issues, including multiple sclerosis and cancer. He left his home on Monday, destination unknown and hasn't been seen since. Just last year, the station was destroyed in a massive fire. Its operation has been forced to relocate to the Byward Market and many precious and valuable tapes going back 50 years and memorabilia have been destroyed. The station was rocked in 1995 when Brian Smith, its chief sportscaster, was gunned down in its parking lot by Jeffrey Arenberg, a crazed killer who told doctors that voices in his head had instructed him to do it. Then just four years later, his replacement, Bill Patterson suffered a major heart attack and died. All of her fans hope that Carole ...