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Showing posts with the label Angry Birds

The Senate Scandal: A Lot of Angry Birds

We have exclusive video from today's Senate proceedings....

The Almighty and Steve Jobs

  My friend Suzanne got a sign yesterday, God's way of telling her to slow down and pay attention to her life. Perhaps she was getting ready for Christmas, or a regular visit from her grandson, Bam Bam. Maybe she was getting set to direct a nativity pageant. She posted on Facebook yesterday that she had accidentally dropped her iPhone into the john. "I was setting it down when I tripped over the rug, so it kinda became like an iphone curling rock and just slid right off the counter, perfect bulls-eye." Fortunately, the iPhone still worked, though she admitted it had now acquired an "ick" factor. She urged her compadres not to text or phone her until she had Brillo brushed it clean. Have I mentioned that Suzanne is a germaphobe? I have a question. What call was so important at 6:30 a.m. that it couldn't wait for the morning constitutional? Perhaps her husband Norman was on another field trip to the Caribbean and had a small window of time in w...