I woke up with a mission. I wanted tulips, or any kind of flowers, for that matter. And I wanted to buy them from a girl sitting on a corner. I even imagined what she looked like. She would be pretty, but not too pretty, a little Bohemian, wearing a shawl or a floppy hat. I would make her day by buying a bunch of over-priced flowers for myself, and surprise her and buy another bouquet for her. She would smile at me, thank me, wish me a Happy Easter, and we would be on our way. "Mind the cold," I would say, as she drew her shawl a little closer to her face, and then she would return to fixing her stand and replace the two bouquets with ones from a pail she kept behind her chair. Embed from Getty Images I don't know that I expected flowers at every gas station, but I thought there would be girls out there, somewhere, trying to make a few bucks on a cold and blustery Easter weekend which, according to the weather report, is going to get even more blu...
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